"I am blessed to call us once again to a focused time of Prayer and Fasting. Since 2010, this has been the foundation of every year at EastLake. Every blessing EastLake has ever received has its roots in our humble pursuit of God.

I invite you to join the staff and elders as we focus our hearts and minds upon God through this time of prayer and fasting. We are committed to seeking the face of God during this time. To know Him, to experience Him, to love and serve Him better is our greatest desire. When we do this, He is more than willing to open His gracious hand and supply our every need."

- Pastor Troy

Rejoice in hope,
be patient in tribulation,
be constant in prayer.

- Romans 12:12
This is an important question. Jesus said that some things are so difficult they would only be conquered through biblical prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21). We all  believe in the power of prayer, but Jesus elevated something else with prayer: fasting.
In the Bible fasting was almost always associated with the abstinence from food (Daniel 10:3, Luke 4:2, Esther 4:16). Fasting in scripture was done for repentance (Isaiah 58) as a return to God and for the pursuit of God’s help and His will to be done (Joel 1:14). It is denying myself in order that I might more fully seek and more clearly experience the work, will and power of God in my life this year.

Refraining from food without prayer and seeking God is not fasting.

That is called dieting.

It is important to know and understand that fasting is faith in action! Fasting is not holding my breath till I get what I want, it is seeking the will of God in an area and a firm conviction and commitment to His will.

Jesus teaches us a very important principle: the first aim of fasting is to forsake other things to focus on God.
Fasting is radical faith in God. Through fasting our faith is strengthened by our increased dependence upon God and our freedom from dependence upon the flesh.
This is totally between you and the Lord. Fasting is self-denial for a spiritual purpose. Some will abstain from activities or social media, others may limit their eating to certain types of foods, while others may choose to fast a meal or for an extended period of time.

Rest assured if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it probably won’t mean anything to God. Fasting is denying myself of SOMETHING so that I may get to know SOMEONE better. May God grant us grace as we seek Him together!
As a church we are committed to begin 2024 by fasting and praying about the following needs in our church.

We are seeking God

Thriving, sending church

Discipleship of children

Lord, may we glorify You more and reach more people with the Gospel as we seek to experience You in a greater way.

Church planting & Leadership development

Lord, bless the interns that we have opportunity to invest in this year. Bless Connect Church in Frisco, TX . And direct us in the calling You have given us to revitalize churches.
Lord, we want to impact our community  as we reach out to our neighbors and world in a greater way than ever.

Renewal of the Church at large

Lord, bless us as we expand our partnership with Daniel Henderson and The 6:4 Fellowship. Use us to encourage pastors and bring revival to Your people.
Lord, bless the expanding work of SMLCA as we impact the lives children this year, and help us to effectively raise our children to follow You.

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