Wherever you are in life or what your spiritual journey has looked like so far, we hope your next step is visiting EastLake. You’ll find a welcoming atmosphere where people experience new life as they encounter Jesus, engage in community, and use their gifts to share with others. We often say it this way: we’re here to help people connect to God, connect to others, and do something great.
One thing you might notice around here is that we put more emphasis on sending people out to serve the community than to show up and serve in the church. Our philosophy of ministry can be summed up this way: “It’s not as important how many come as how many go.”
We want you to feel right at home at EastLake, so here are some answers to a few questions you may be asking about what to expect.
One thing you might notice around here is that we put more emphasis on sending people out to serve the community than to show up and serve in the church. Our philosophy of ministry can be summed up this way: “It’s not as important how many come as how many go.”
We want you to feel right at home at EastLake, so here are some answers to a few questions you may be asking about what to expect.

Where are you located?
EastLake Community Church is located just off of Hendrick Store Road in Moneta, VA, at 1201 Timberwood Lane.
What are your services like?
We have two identical worship services each week: 9 & 11am Sunday. A typical service will last about 75 minutes. You’ll find a friendly atmosphere where people genuinely care, a band and worship team singing a mix of contemporary music and hymns (and song lyrics projected on the screens so you can sing along or just engage with the words), and a relevant message from the Bible.
We believe God’s word (the Bible) is true, but just knowing what it says is pointless if we don’t put it into practice. So, at the end of the message, we often have a time of commitment when the pastor invites people to come kneel at the front and pray or pray in their seats if they choose.
We believe God’s word (the Bible) is true, but just knowing what it says is pointless if we don’t put it into practice. So, at the end of the message, we often have a time of commitment when the pastor invites people to come kneel at the front and pray or pray in their seats if they choose.
What should I wear?
Come in whatever is comfortable to you. You’ll see some suits and dresses, a lot of business casual, and some jeans and a t-shirts, too.
What about my kids?
We have a kids program available for infants through preschool during every Sunday service. The nursery rooms are a fun, clean, and safe place for your little ones staffed with loving workers who will provide quality care.
We also have a private comfort room available just outside the nursery area if you need a private place to nurse or soothe a child.
Eastlake Kids meets Sunday morning during the 9a m and 11 am services with exciting music, hands-on activities, and an engaging Bible lesson just for kids. Your child’s safety is a priority, so we start by having you sign them in at the computer stations just inside the EastLake Kids doors off the Mall.
We also have a private comfort room available just outside the nursery area if you need a private place to nurse or soothe a child.
Eastlake Kids meets Sunday morning during the 9a m and 11 am services with exciting music, hands-on activities, and an engaging Bible lesson just for kids. Your child’s safety is a priority, so we start by having you sign them in at the computer stations just inside the EastLake Kids doors off the Mall.